Friday, December 30, 2011

Wanna See The WOMAN . . . Who Deion Sanders F*CKED UP His Marriage Over!! (We Got NEKKID Pics Of The ALLEGED Mistress)

NFL great Deion Sanders had one of the most BEAUTIFUL women in the WORLD on his arm . . . and now he's going through a very MESSY divorce.
What happened to cause their marriage to fall apart . . no one will EVER know.
But we do know that our report of the very SLOPPY way that Deion arranged for a meeting with a MODEL named Aleea, couldn't have helped. As we reported earlier this year, Deion met Aleea online and then PAID FOR HER FLIGHT to NYC, for a meeting. And SOMEHOW Aleea got possession of some VERY INTIMATE PICS of Deion. (See FULL story here)
At the time we HID Aleea's identity, because she was in LAW SCHOOL. But we changed our mind . .

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